Tag Archives: FOD Awareness


Fact Sheet – Foreign Object Debris (FOD)

Article courtesy of U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Contact: Marcia Alexander-Adams Phone: (202) 267-3488   FAA Foreign Object Debris FACT SHEETThis article was written on November 15, 2013 and re-submitted here at fodprevention.com October 15, 2015BackgroundFOD isRead More…


FOD Audit Free Powerpoint Presentation

FOD prevention is taking an extra step forward with rokap.inc to bring you a free FOD “Audit” powerpoint presentation that you can plugin into your companies existing FOD awareness and prevention campaign.Read More…


FOD Awareness Forums

fodawareness.com is setting a new example in helping to further the efforts of FOD prevention on the internet. They have a new site where people can sign up and create a freeRead More…