We are proud to announce that our FOD Prevention solutions have reach well beyond our expectations. With international sales reaching all over the world. From the UK, to the Middle East, Canada, France and many Countries in Europe. And of course not to mention here at home in the US. As well China and several other countries have reached out to us as we are the leader in FOD Prevention solutions when it comes to FOD Signage.

But today we want to give a special thanks to Switzerland as Swiss air (Switzerland Air Force to be exact) has become one of our newest purchasers of our great FOD Prevention products.

When we first launched FOD Signs about 10 years ago we never dreamed we would be selling to the US military. Our main attention was focused on the aviation industry in general. But now with sales to the US military and Swiss military our FOD Prevention solutions are growing and making an impact on saving lives and money.

Swiss Air and FOD Prevnetion go hand and hand Click To Tweet