Tag Archives: Foreign Object Debris


Auxiliary Power Unit Battery Fire 2013

Original post courtesy of NTSB.gov on January 7, 2013 Executive Summary On January 7, 2013, about 1021 eastern standard time, smoke was discovered by cleaning personnel in the aft cabin of aRead More…


FOD Incident Rotor Blade Tool Control

Original post courtesy of Aerossurance.com on May 19, 2016 The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) has just issued a report on an incident where a helicopter’s rotor blades were damaged during start up byRead More…


Corrosion, Metal Fatigue Causes Wide-Body Freighter Landing Gear Collapse

Original post courtesy of NTSB.gov WASHINGTON (Aug. 23, 2018) — The landing gear collapse on a FedEx MD-10-10F, wide-body cargo jet was caused by corrosion that led to fatigue cracking, according toRead More…


Screwdriver Found in C208 Controls

Original post courtesy of Aerossurance.com on Feb 12, 2017 Flying Control FOD: Screwdriver Found in C208 Controls An Australian Cessna 208B Caravan pilot detected a control restriction during a flight control riggingRead More…